My First Blog Post!


Hey Everyone!

My name is Ryan Hogan, I am a finance major at Oregon state University and Linn Benton Community College. Currently I am 20 years old and living in Corvallis.

I enrolled in Principles of Marketing because I wanted to expand my knowledge of marketing and increase my awareness of all things marketing! I am most interested in increasing my awareness because marketing is everywhere. It is everywhere we look and go and I want to be conscious of the newest, and latest marketing tactics and strategies. This will improve my awareness, and keep me mentally fit when it comes to marketing. 

Outside of college, I love to program, run, and play chess. I learned a variety of programming languages last year and am excited to grow this skill set my working on independent projects involving finance and banking. I love running and will be doing my first half marathon this April 10th! Finally, I really enjoy a good game of chess. Ive only been playing for a few months and am enthusiastic about ranking up!


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